Our mind operates in many modes the results of which are our outbursts, our irritations, signs of impatience, flashes of insight or feelings of wistfulness. In my opinion there are 3 main modes in which out mind operates. All the modes may operate simultaneously but usually one of them predominates. I call them the assimilator, the evaluator and the processor modes.
The Assimilator mode: In this mode the mind is absorbing things quietly. While you may focus on only a part of an event or a picture the mind goes about assimilating all sorts of information. For e.g. while we may be watching a sporting event our mind may record the smells, the sounds and the general atmosphere. While we may not be aware of this assimilation it is this recording of the mind that sometimes triggers strange feelings of longing when we see or experience something. It is quite likely that in the past we observed an event when a particular doleful song was being played. It is quite likely that when we hear the tune we may be reminded of the event or a similar experience may trigger feelings of melancholy.
The Evaluator Mode: In this mode our mind is evaluating a situation or an experience and will constantly give us its assessment. After we complete our exams or finish a tough interview the Evaluator mode goes on an overdrive. The mind keeps evaluating the situation and starts nagging. How often have we been on tenterhooks to know whether we would pass a competitive exam or whether we would get a dream job? In this mode the mind keeps constantly nagging. We can neither wish it away nor ignore it. One approach is to try and reason and justify your position to yourself. This can put a temporary stop but beware it can re-appear with renewed vigor if your reasoning is not good enough.
The Processor mode: In this mode the mind is most effective. In this mode the mind quietly works on any complex problem that is bothering you. You may not be even aware of its working. However the mind in the background is trying out various possibilities and determining solutions. It is creative and come ups with ideas that you consciously would not even think of. Flashes of insight or serendipitous discoveries happen because the mind is operating in the processor mode. When we are faced with a tough problem it is good idea to give the problem some thought and simply park it our brain. As long as you have a strong intention in getting the problem solved you can rest assured, literally, that your mind will figure it out for you.
Knowing the different modes of the mind is extremely important in our daily lives. In the assimilator mode it is a good idea to be extra alert, in the evaluator mode we must reason out the situation for ourselves and in the processor mode we must have a strong desire for an outcome. If we do this we will put our minds to good use.
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