Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Grip of Hypocrisy

There are two kinds of people in this world - the bad and the hypocritical. The former are the real and truly bad. It is the latter that are more interesting. In fact most of us will fall into the latter category. Many of us like to believe ourselves to be good, kind and upright . We read philosophy, probably chant hymns, say prayers, meditate etc.

But the truth is that we live in a perpetually precarious state. The moment we see our neighbor's shiny, new acquisition or become aware of our colleague's success, the little green monster of jealousy crops up. We tend to retaliate when somebody hurts our generally swollen ego. We also lose our temper at times and are prone to hatred and envy.

When things are fine we are able to mouth spiritual cliches and are able to argue so vehemently on spiritual subjects. But we are spiritual or philosophical only in patches. All the fine spiritual theory and philosophical outlook just tend to evaporate away at a moment's notice. We completely lose control ourselves in situations where our ego, pride or self-worth is in question. We are reduced to ordinary mortals at these times.

Then there are others who assume that they have experiences of some inner awakening. These people are bigger hypocrites than the ones above. These people live in a sort of trance. They imagine that they can see reality which eludes the general public. They tend to explain away the sufferings and inequities of the world as being a part of God's great design. They just attribute it to the karma of the poor suffering lot and continue in their state of blissful ignorance.

In essence we live our lives in total hypocrisy. We do not imbibe the values and the teachings of the great scriptures. We are unable to internalize the truths embodied in the great texts.

If only we could be true to what we know is right we can truly achieve greatness. But this is an extremely difficult task and must be practiced constantly. We must exercise complete attention to each and every moment of our life and must internalize values and principles that we know to be true. We need to free ourselves from the clutches of hypocrisy.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Inscrutable but Predictable Mind

Our mind is a wonderful instrument and thought is probably the greatest faculty of man. We are capable of analyzing, solving, creating things through our mind. But our mind is probably also the least understood capability of mankind.

Thinkers, sages have long sought to understand the workings of the mind but it has all been in vain. Our mind is truly inscrutable. However hard we may try to understand how our mind works, we will never be closer to the solution than when we started.

While on the one hand the mind is a puzzle that is still be cracked there is a certain predictability in the way we behave under certain circumstances. We get angry when our ego is hurt, we feel annoyed when people irritate us, we become slaves when we see objects of desire. We may try as hard as we want in trying to distract ourselves but when the situation presents itself we just tend to behave in extremely predictable ways be it anger, hatred, contempt or envy.

So while the mind is truly conundrum which cannot be understood, there are many aspects of its behavior that is really predictable. The interesting thing about the mind is that we cannot train the mind to behave in a different way. While we can train our bodies to lift weights, we cannot train our mind to be magnanimous when somebody hurts our ego or suppress the envy we feel when somebody succeeds where we fail. We cannot learn to be tolerant when we are irritated. The mind will just continue to behave in the way it always does.

Probably a lot of our behaviours are the legacy of our forefathers and are deeply ingrained in our mind. Most of these behaviours are hard-wired into our brain and we cannot unlearn or train the mind to behave differently.

What is needed is to be able to transcend our mind much like those who are truly enlightened be it Lord Krishna, Jesus Christ or a Buddha. We have to be able to rise above centuries of programming. While these enlightened souls point the way to transcend our minds there is no certainty we will reach there.

Till that time we have to live with our inscrutable but truly predictable mind!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Observe - Actively and Objectively

A large part of our lives are made up interaction with others – whether they are with family members, friends, colleagues or strangers. We have to interact with people most of the times. We generally tend to view the world through our subjective eyes. We put ourselves in the center of this universe and perceive everything through these self -adorned blinkers of ours.

To work effectively in this world we have to fine tune the way we interact with people. To understand why people behave in certain ways we need to observe people vey keenly. We need to actively and aggressively observe people. We have to become interested students of human nature. We need to carefully watch people in all their moods, People get enthusiastic at times, irritated during others, angry at times and plain disinterested at times. During these when we observe people in their various moods we need to be as objective as possible.

There will be times when you will note your friend does not share your enthusiasm in a certain thing. Rather than assuming that your friend is being rude try to understand what situation your friend is in and why there is a lack of interest in him. Do not let your own opinion or judgment cloud your observation. Try to be objective in your assessment of another’s behavior and understand it from their view point.

Once we start to observe people who are close to us and those we interact during the daily course of our lives we will learn several valuable things. For one we will learn to adjust our own actions to be able to elicit a better response from others. If we know what the likes and dislikes of the people with whom we interact is we can better suit our actions to them and ensure that their response is as we want them to be.

Also active observation is extremely useful in learning good habits and behaviors from others. We can learn a lot from people who are successful in life not just by way of money or fame but those who know how to handle pressures in life. We can use them as role models of our life.
So we should make a habit of keenly observing people and learning things from them. If we don’t let our judgments come in the way of our observation we will learn a lot of valuable lessons from them.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why do we need God?

Do we really need a God? If we do, why do we have this need for a God? This article is not trying to argue whether God exists or not. There will be no discussion on who created this Universe. Is this vast Universe of ours the design of a Supreme Being? Or is the universe with life only on earth, a mere accident of nature? Does it not seem remote that the existence of life of life only on earth among billions and billions of stars and in this vastness of the Space actually came about by the design of a Supreme Being?

Regardless, the question now is why do we need a Supreme Being? To some extent the thought of some all knowing, omniscient Being makes us feel comfortable in life. We feel that this Supreme Being is aware of our desires, wishes and wants in life. We feel that God, being omniscient, will somehow take care of all our wants in life.

Sometimes life is unfair to us. Things don’t seem to work out the way we want it to and we suffer as a result. It is here that the thought of a Diving Being brings to us certain warmth. We repose hope in this Supreme Being. Moreover, we also tend to visualize God as being just. We feel a warm glow in the thought that a just God will ensure that we get what we feel we deserve.
Imagine a world or a life without God. Then we will be pitted against mere chance and other human beings in life. Any success or the arrival of good tidings in our life will depend on pure luck. We will be forced to hope on providence to bring sunshine in our lives.

This is a difficult thought as chances of things happening are so remote. But with the idea of God we feel that many things are possible. With an omniscient God anything is possible, from winning the lottery to a better life in general. We would like to hope for a Divine Hand playing its role in our destiny.

This is primarily the reason why we prefer to believe in a Supreme Being. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mankind - A Perspective

Man has evolved over millions of years as described by Charles Darwin from primates. The tail probably disappeared over time and the human being also evolved from being a quadruped to a biped. If we for a moment imagine that we are in outer space and view the earth this is what we will observe. The human race at any point in time will be like a random arrangement of billiard balls. We are spread out in finite space in a random fashion. These billiard balls are all vibrating and interacting with each other. We interact with each other changing this random arrangement locally.

However, this influence is limited and we can affect only a few of the billiard balls with a large number being completely unaffected. Many centuries earlier man’s influence was fairly local. It would take a long time for the influence to propagate to a larger set of people. Nowadays with the advent of the world wide web we can influence people at larger distances but still the influence is very limited with a large section of the human race being unaffected.
We can easily visualize our daily interactions as gentle collisions in this random arrangement of billiard balls on this finite space. We can either be acted by an external event of nature which can change this random arrangement or we can make a change of our own volition in a small, limited way on this random arrangement.

Mankind from time immemorial has been just a random arrangement of people on which is superimposed the principle of survival and learning. The human race moves from one random arrangement to another.

However in our minds we appear larger than we really are. Since a human being can think and imagine our personal view is very different from what really happens. Each of us sees the world slightly differently. In our eyes we are the center of the universe. We feel that the world revolves around us.

But in reality, each of us has really only a finite influence on each other. This influence can perturb the system only slightly. Mankind just transitions from one random arrangement to the next random arrangement.

The Structure of the Unconscious Mind

Behind the thinking mind is the subconscious mind. Below the subconscious mind is the unconscious mind. It is the view of many psychologists and philosophers that buried in the subconscious and unconscious mind are answers to all of our questions. According to the Platonic “Doctrine of Recollection”, man already knows everything that he has to know. Discovery is just a matter of recollection of this knowledge. Even according to Swami Vivekananda the Law of Gravitation was already in Newton’s mind waiting to be discovered or unveiled. The falling of the apple was just a suggestion to Sir Isaac Newton.

So it is clear that all the answers to mankind’s questions are already in the unconscious mind waiting to be uncovered and unveiled. So how did all these get into the unconscious mind? Human beings have evolved over a million years. Each of us has probably several billion ancestors. The human mind has evolved from its earlier primitive state to its current refined state.

Our ancestors, the homosapiens, must have had primitive minds with simple needs like eating, sleeping and procreating. As man evolved there were more interactions at various levels and the need was not just a matter of survival. Man started to have complex social interactions which resulted in new ideas and thoughts. Man developed a complex value system with different virtues and vices. There must have been many who were intelligent who must have wondered about the structure and the mysteries of the universe. What has happened to all these ideas, thoughts and experiences?

All these complex ideas, thoughts, visions and insights are frozen in time and passed from generation to generation in the sub-stratum of the human mind, namely the unconscious. All the great learning, insights and philosophical thoughts of our forefathers are buried deep down in the strata below the conscious mind. So all the learning of the billions of our ancestors are passed down to us. We only need to know how to unlock this rich storehouse of infinite knowledge.

In fact the Atman or the Personal Soul, referred to by the Indian mystics, which is supposed to be infinite, all knowing must have referred to this unconscious mind. The Brahman or the Universal Soul according to Hindu philosophy must have referred to the collective unconscious.

What man has to learn is to be able to tap this infinite storehouse of knowledge in the unconscious mind. We must discover the key to unlock the mysteries of the unconscious mind and most of our questions about the mysteries of the universe will be answered.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Finding joy in little things

Our mind is like a glass lens. There are times when it behaves like a magnifying lens and tends to blow issues into gigantic problems. It can inflate things so that they appear to completely overwhelm us. At other times it behaves as a concave lens and makes things appear smaller than they really are. For example we may overlook an achievement of a friend or family member and forget to appreciate them.

We have to be really aware of our mind, which morphs itself, either magnifying or reducing things. We need to be able to see things as they really are. We need to look at the world around us and take enjoyment in little things. Instead of fretting and fuming about how unfair life is we need to only look around and we will find that there are many reasons why we should be happy. We need to view the world with the right perspective.

We need to find joy in little things. We could for instance enjoy the company of our loved ones and spend more time with them. We should be happy that we are free to do whatever we wish in this very moment.

There are many reasons for us to smile at this accident of nature which has resulted in the existence of human beings on earth in the vastness of this universe. We can find joy in the variety of flora and fauna which co-exist with us.

Any progress that we make in learning anything is definitely a source of satisfaction. So we should spend time learning a new skill. It could be learning a new language, learning a musical instrument or it could something as simple as learning the technique to make other people happy.
While we generally tend to drown ourselves in sorrow if only we pause to reflect we will find there are many reasons for us to be happy. We need to focus our mind on little things that are a source of joy and happiness and enjoy life.

Active Living

We are alive only in the present moment. Our past exists only as memories and the future exists as our imagination. We truly only live in the moment. We should make the most of the present moment. The way we live in the present moment determines where we head to in the future.
We should not let our past color or cloud our present moment. We should not feel too proud of our past achievements. We should not rest on our past laurels. This will only make us over confident and affect our current performance. Similarly we should let any previous failures or disappointments in life affect in any way how we act in the current moment. We should not be diffident because of past failures.

We need to look at this moment with a completely fresh outlook. Every single moment in the present is like a bud. How we handle this present moment will determine whether this bud flowers into a fragrant and beautiful flower or whether it withers away. We need to be full of enthusiasm and joy in this very instant.

This particular moment in life holds within it infinite possibilities. While your current station in life is possibly dependent on your past acts your future is dependent on what you do with the current moment. Where you are in life is not as important where you are heading to life.

So make each instant count. Make sure that you are alive to the possibilities of this instant. Travel light into the future. Discard your baggage of the past regardless of whether it contained your successes or failures. Move along in life with the vigor and vitality in this present moment. Travel with enthiusiam and zeal into the future. Create your future this very instant!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What drives us?

What is that drives us to do things that we do in our daily lives? Our immediate response to this is that is desire or want. But what is behind desire? A little thought to this will make clear the fact that is memory. Memory is the faculty that drives us to do different things.

The Pavlovian experiment of conditioned reflexes is a fine example. In this experiment a dog is given a tidbit after a bell is rung. This repeated over several days. After a few days the animal is conditioned that it salivates merely on hearing the ringing of the bell. The reason clearly is that it has memory of a juicy morsel immediately following the ringing of the bell. Hence it is this memory that causes an involuntary reaction.

Human memory is far more complex and much more subtle. We have long term and short term memories. Our memories are not just a storehouse of facts but can store even more complex things like feeling, emotion, taste etc. If somebody insulted we are able to recollect the humiliation many years later. Similarly if we succeed in some activity, then we can still feel the glow of success anytime we recall the event.

We store our experiences in life as memories. Memories are the raw material for our thoughts. In other words thoughts are the product of our memories. For example when we desire to buy a new car, or buy a new house the motivation behind this is the memory of the comfort and envious looks we may get from our friends. When we angry with someone it because the words or actions of the other person rankle in our memories.

Unfortunately we cannot rid ourselves of our memories. The more we try to forget something the more it tends to stay with us. What we really need to do is to focus our minds on our memories, and understand what is behind all those memories and reason out with it.

We need to essentially store new memories based on our reasoning and judgement on what is right. This way we will always be on the right track.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Living fully in the moment

A common thread in all of human existence is the fact that we all perceive the arrow of time move forward only. We also have the same resource at our disposal, which is the present moment. How we utilize this moment is up to each one of us. How should we live in this moment?

An ideal way to approach life is take life moment by moment. We should live fully in the present and absorb what life has to offer us. We should not judge or form opinions as things happen to us. We should free ourselves of past programming. We should receive what life has to offer us at that particular instant and move on to the next instant. We should focus our attention in doing our best and achieving perfection in everything we do at any point in time.

But the way we react to each instance is based on our past conditioning. We are filled with opinions and biases. We judge everything that happens to us based on some of our past experience. We spoil a perfect moment in life because we tend it color it with our past experience in life. Sometimes we react in life in the present moment with hopes and expectations of something in the future.

Why cannot we just handle the present moment with the respect that it deserves? Why cannot we be free of past conditioning? Why should we color our actions in the present with expectations of future reward?

The ideal path forward in life is to take each moment in life as it is. We should just absorb and assimilate what comes to us. We should be an observer to all that happen to us. It is not that we should be passive. Rather we should be an active observer assimilating things. We should do things proactively in the instant.

We should not let our reactions in the present moment color something in the future. In other words we should not feel hurt later if someone criticizes us now, nor should we let praise make us proud at a later instant. We should be completely free of reactive behavior based on events in the present instant.

We should devote our complete attention to the instant, absorbing and observing things as they happen to us. We should move with enthusiasm and vigor from moment to moment. This is an ideal way of living,

Phantoms of the Mind

Our mind is truly God’s masterpiece. The mind with its ability to think and to be aware of itself is really the ultimate creation. With our minds we can think, analyze, perceive, create and invent. We can do so many amazing things with this wonderful instrument of ours. The mind serves us well if we know how to use it wisely. But it can also be the greatest curse if we let our thoughts wander or lose control of ourselves.

If we aren’t careful our mind can truly run riot. We can start imagining things that are not true. We can start believing in our own glory. We start to think that we are extremely clever, have uncanny insight or are gifted in some unique way over others. We start to become very proud and arrogant.

Then, there are others who will be overly critical of themselves. They will criticize themselves relentlessly and will consider themselves as losers. These people have a defeatist attitude and completely lack in confidence.

All these are mere illusions. These are the phantoms of the mind that we have to be aware of. The unfortunate thing with our mind is that our thoughts can make things appear so bright or paint so gloomy a picture that we are completely overwhelmed by it that all rational thinking escapes us. This is an extremely dangerous position where we lose sight of logic and are fooled by the illusion that the mind creates.

It is extremely important that in life regardless of achievements of failures, we have a balanced outlook of ourselves. We should be completely grounded in reality at all times.

Drive. Don't be driven.

How often are you angry? Do you feel upset or frustrated at times? Do you feel hurt or disappointed at times? Then you need to understand that you have let your emotions and thoughts take control of you. You are in fact being driven by your emotions and your thoughts. In this mode you are the victim of your own mental make-up. In this state you are being driven hither and thither.

The right approach in life is instead of being driven by the vagaries of life and nature you should move to the driver’s seat. You should become the driver of your own life. You hold your response to the things that nature’s hurls at you. As somebody said “Happiness is personal choice”. Given the aforementioned fact why should be let life hurt or upset you. In the driver’s seat take hold of the steering wheel and set your life on “cruise control”. Determine where you want to go in life and how fast you want to get there. As the driver of your own destiny take active part not only on what you do in life but also how you react to things that come your way.

The bard of Avon, Shakespeare, summed it very nicely when he asks “whether you are going to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” or whether you in the driver’s seat “will take arms against a sea of troubles, oppose and end them”. Clearly we want to be in control in office, in society and above all in our own personal life.

So move to the driver’s seat. Take control and go to the future you always desired!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Liberate your Mind! Set your Spirit free!

Life often works in mysterious ways. Sometimes life is not fair. We are tossed about in the vagaries of life. Our boss may treat us badly, our friend may not understand us, or somebody will be downright insulting to us. We are hurt by many things in life. We feel upset and sometimes frustrated when things don’t seem to work the way we want it to. Our spirit is crushed. Our mind is filled with frustration and disappointment. How do we handle this? Can we liberate our mind and our spirit?

There is a simple way to set our minds and spirits free. If we want to do this we should consciously tell ourselves that we will not let external events or the external world ruin our day or hurt our spirits. Rather than letting the external world influence our mind we shout set our mind free by pursuing those activities that are dear to us. We should move our focus from the external world to our internal ambitions. We should identify all the little things that we always wanted to do in our life.

We then need to pursue these ambitions of ours with great zeal. For example if you wanted to learn a musical instrument, study some new technology, or simply increase your circle of friend then do so. Live from within yourself! Do not let external events harm or worry you. Measure your success in life by the progress you make on the little goals you set for yourself.

Rather than being upset and hurt that things in life are not the way you want them to be, rejoice in the little victories that you make in the goals that you set for yourself.

Liberate your mind by doing things that you always wanted to do. Let your spirit soar when you achieve victories in the goals that you have set for yourself.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Strategies to Power your career

Success in professional life is rarely accidental. It is the result of a well thought out plan carried out to perfection as one moves from rung to rung in the organizational hierarchy. Here are some key strategies, which if pursued, will give a better control over your career and will make your rise in the organization fairly smooth

Learning to learn: This is by far the most important quality we need when we enter the professional world. We need to learn how to learn. We need to be able to absorb the essence of our task, assignment or project. Any work that we perform we need to know both what to learn and how to learn. We need to able to look above the immediate project requirements and appreciate its function in a holistic way. We need to fully understand the product, the technologies involved, what problem it solves and how it ultimately benefits the end user.

Depth over breadth and vice versa: If you are in the technical ladder make sure that your swim deep and long. Spend time learning the implications, intricacies and nuances of the technologies involved. Learn to appreciate the various tradeoffs that have to be taken in the work being done. On the contrary, if you are a project or a program manager focus on breadth rather on depth. Understand the benefits and shortcomings of the involved technology and various allied technologies. Understand industry trends and how the project fits in the organizational business plan.

Make the right moves: At every stage one has to be aware of where one is with respect to the goal. We need to monitor and make mid course corrections. It is quite likely that as you move along in your professional life you may want to switch technology domains or shift to management. These are conscious decisions that you will have to weigh and take as you go along. As you grow you have understand where you want to go and how you want to get there. This is the mark of a true leader. We will hit several crossroads during our career. Our decisions should be directed towards our long term goal. Make sure the choices you make contribute to your professional, monetary and emotional accounts.

Look from the other side of the fence: If you are technically inclined learn the basics of project & program management. Understand and appreciate the challenges of people management. Don’t pigeon-hole yourself into a technical-only slot. If on the other hand you are a project manager you must spend time becoming tech savvy. Try to get an all round view of all related technology. Technical people prefer managers who are tech savvy.

Plan for Success: This is critical for career growth. Make sure you plan for success. In the words of Yogi Berra “If you don’t know where you are going you might wind up someplace else”. Bring focus to both short and long term goals and work towards achieving them.
Understand and appreciate “Management Speak”: This is something that is very critical to your career growth. Make sure you understand the jargon that senior management tends to use “for e.g. 10,000 ft view”, “project risks”, ”quality improvement”. Do not shy away from this type of management jargon. In the early years most of tend to take management jargon lightly. Put yourself in your boss’s shoes and understand and appreciate the challenges he faces. It is good idea to understand the direction your organization is heading with respect to other peer organizations

Network: Networking is a critical to your success in the long run. Get to know your peers, subordinates, your boss and his peers. The more you network, the better are the chances of your success. It is imperative that you not only grow your professional network but also keep it well-oiled. You will learn a lot of people skills by networking. Networking will keep you abreast of all the latest trends in the industry, besides many organizations prefer referrals while recruiting.

Visibility speaks: Success in the professional world depends a lot on your visibility to the top management. Make sure that you help or lead any effort that is organization or at least department wide. It is very important that you grab opportunities to lead. This will not only increase your visibility but will also improve your organizational skills and make you understand the challenges of making things happen.

You will spend close to a quarter of a century in your professional avatar. Having a proper plan and working towards your career goal is important to both your financial and emotional well being. So ensure that you make all the right moves in your career.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Increasing the world's happiness quotient

If there is one thing all of us want more in life - it is happiness. The end goal of humanity is happiness. The main driving force behind our thirst for money, power or fame is that it will increase our general happiness in life.
Knowing this condition of humans what can we do pro-actively to increase the happiness quotient in the world? This blog is not about increasing your own happiness. That would be too selfish. How can one increase the happiness of others? Here are some simple tips to increase the joy of your family, your friends and others you may know

- Make sure you thank people for little things they do for you. Show genuine gratitude to those who make your life just a little better. It could be the friendly shopkeeper, the counter clerk or your kid’s school teacher. Thank them profusely for their service

- We live in a connected world. Your school friend, your old colleague or one of your chance acquaintances is just a few mouse clicks away. Renew old friendships. Send them a mail. Enquire about their family. Show them you care.

- Be lavish in your appreciation of your child, your co-worker and your colleague. Shower praises where it is genuine. Do not with hold praise

The more ambitious can try to extend their reach. There are many things that you can do to the under privileged. Take up some social activity. Teach in a local school.

There are many things that we can do increase the quantum of happiness in this world of ours.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Expect Nothing, Enjoy Everything !!!

This is exactly what St. Francis of Assisi said in the early 13th century. St. Francis of Assisi asserted that “he who expects nothing, enjoys everything”. How true this is? If only we could lower our expectations everything that comes our way will be an added bonus. However to most of us we expect everything and wind up enjoying nothing. We spoil a perfect present by dreaming of a possible rosy future.

The important thing is that we should keep our expectations in perspective. This does not mean that we should lead a life devoid of any ambition or desire. A life without ambition can be dull and drab. A life without any purpose is like setting sail into the ocean without sails. While we should be imbued with ambition that will propel us along in life we should not pin our enjoyment in the current moment based on only achieving these goals.

The issue most of the times is that we are so bent on getting that promotion in office, or buying a shinier new car or moving into a large house that we fail to enjoy even what we have. We tend to complain and find fault in what we have. We keep dreaming and dreaming of something that we don’t have which results in utter discontent and dissatisfaction in our regular lives.
We expect so much in life. We feel that we deserve many things. When these hopes or ambitions are not realized we end up feeling crushed. We not only don’t enjoy what we have in the moment but we also feel utterly devastated when we don’t get what we had hoped for.

We must have ambition in life but we should not pin our hopes on them. We need to continue to enjoy what we already have. If we do get what we aim for then our enjoyment and happiness will increase manifold.

So the right approach in life is to rein in our expectations while fully enjoying what we have at hand. We should accept all things that happen to us as our good providence. By this way we will lead a more happy and contented life.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Failure of Spirituality

Spirituality has failed us completely. It has not served the purpose for which this disciplines stands for. In a large part spirituality nowadays only serves two purposes. The first one is that spirituality serves as an intellectual exercise. The other is that it serves as a quick fix for our problems in life. The real purpose of serving humanity is not there at all.

We, as human beings, are so fascinated by terms like the atman, gunas, sattva, Brahman that we simply love to juggle with these esoteric ideas in our minds. We feel pretty smart in dabbling with these terms. We just feel clever intellectualizing about these esoteric concepts. Then, there are others who prefer Zen kaons s for e.g. “where were you before you were born?” or “does a dog have Buddha nature? When we play with these questions or concepts we feel we are understanding the mysteries of the mind.

There are others who to whom spirituality is a panacea for all of daily problems in life. People feel that just pondering on concepts like God, Supreme consciousness and truth will somehow magically spirit away all their problems in life. To some extent these people just delude themselves into believing that they are contented. They do achieve a certain amount of temporary relief.

Spirituality is neither an intellectual exercise nor is it the cure of the troubles of mankind. The message of Hinduism is “to perform one’s duty selflessly while maintaining dharma”, for Christians it is the “message of love”, for Muslims “brotherhood of humanity” and Buddhists “overarching compassion”.

With these simple lessons of the religion man’s purpose in life is to serve humanity. The pursuit of sprituality is neither an intellectual exercise nor a cure for our problems. It is not the real purpose of why we are here in this world.

Fortunately there are a few great luminaries who stand as beacons in this world of ours who devoted their life to humanity for e.g. Mother Teresa, Sathya Sai Baba, Gandhiji. There are quite a few still living among us who have bequeathed their fortunes for the eradicating of diseases, improving education of the underprivileged etc like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Azim Premji and Tatas and few living spiritual leaders

The issue of spirituality these days is that message of service to humanity is lost in the spiritual jargon

Friday, May 6, 2011

Opinion's tipping point

The human mind is like a pair of weighing scales. To this weighing scale we either consciously or unconsciously add weights either in the 'in favor' pan or in the 'against' pan. We do this in all our interactions. Behind the scenes of our conscious thoughts we build an argument either for or against a particular person or thing.

This happens all the time and pretty soon we reach a tipping point where we start to like or dislike a particular person or thing. We may not have any strong argument on why we favor or dislike the particular person or thing. We just have either a warm feeling or an intense dislike for the thing.

At this point we have reached “opinion’s tipping point”. After we reach this point we no longer use our reason in any further interactions with the person or thing. We are just either strongly biased ‘for’ or ‘against’ the person or thing.

Also, then we no longer have any further use of our reason. We just are biased in our interactions henceforth. Human beings are by nature very lazy not just in our actions but also in our thinking. We prefer to jump to conclusions based on biases rather than questioning.

This is a bad habit from which we have to consciously break out of. Next time when you react in a particular way, pause for a moment, and ask yourself “Is it really so?

Sometimes you may be surprised by your answer to this probing question. This will also rid yourself of most of the biases that you have built over time

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Karma or plain convenience?

Last night while I was returning home at around 10 pm I had a stop at a traffic signal. In the maze of the stopped vehicles I saw two little girls stopping at cars to beg. They were dirty and ragged. They must have been around 5 years old. Their cute, innocent faces looked tired. One of the girls walked to my car and tapped persistently on my vehicle. The other girl decided to take a breather and sat on the median between the roads. I am sure that their day probably started around 6 am and ended around 11 pm.

When I looked at the little girls faces I started to wonder what they had done to deserve this. Their life had hardly started and they were forced to work for their living at such a tender age, so late in the night. When other children of their age must be listening to bedtime stories or having cute baby dreams these two little ones were out on the street, in a dangerous road, working their way between speeding vehicles, begging for alms.

My mind immediately turned to the old faithful theory of karma. I thought to myself that it was the karma of these two little girls that they had to suffer this fate. But I realized that these two little ones were too little to have done anything bad in life to have to undergo this tribulation. So then I started to think that in their past birth they must have done things and are suffering in this birth.

Somehow I found no satisfaction in either of these trains of thought. I just realized that life is unfair. It can be cruel. There is no real rhyme or reason behind the inequities of life in the world. It is just a throw of the dice of fate and depending on how the dice turns up we see either good times or bad times.

It is definitely true that karma provides an easy excuse for most of life’s problems. When we experience problems in life for which there is no easy explanation we conveniently rationalize that it is all our karma. We think that in the distant past we must have done thing bad and we are seeing the repercussions of this now. If that does not satisfy us we argue with ourselves that we must have done something downright bad in one of our previous births which is having its effect in this birth and in the current time.

However looking at these two little girls I somehow came away feeling unsatisfied with the theory of karma, This time I felt karma is just a convenient theory to answer life’s inequities. To me there was no plausible reason for these two little girls to undergo such an ordeal so early in their life.

I just came away with the realization that life can be unfair. Some people just suffer while others get away. We need to accept this reality and move on life. There are no other explanations. Any thoughts?

The difference between ambition and desire

Ambition & desire are two seemingly similar ideas but in reality are concepts that have a world of difference. Ambition is the desire for achievement, while desire in its most raw form is just pure greed and avarice. While it is perfectly reasonable to be ambitious it really does not bode well if we are too desirous of something.

Oftentimes we get confused with the philiosophy of the Gita which advocates niskama-karma or desireless actions. We think that this basically means going through life in a mechanical way without any ambition. We then start to drift aimlessly in life.

Ambition is very important in life. It is the chief motivator that propels us to be achieve great things, It makes us want to do better in life. However pure desire is bad. Desire for power, wealth or fame is extremely bad and in fact can tempt people to use dishonest means.

Ambition is never affected by evil thoughts. Ambition is pure. It is the driving force which makes us do things, to get better in life.

Ambition propels us to great heights while craving or wanton desire can really result in a person's downfall.

So while we should be ambitious we should really avoid greed and avarice.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Importance of Playing Along

Have you ever faced a situation where one of your family members, a friend or colleague comes to you, all worked up and starts to rant. I am sure all of us come across situations like this often. How should we react in such situations? In my opinion we really need to play along with the other person. We should let the other person really vent their feeling to us.

In these situations we should lend both our ears and enable a complete outpouring of emotions. We should not interrupt with our opinions and our judgments. In these situations the other person really wants to be understood. We should to a large extent really agree with what they are saying. Sometimes they may be wrong. But in my opinion, “it is more important to be kind than to be correct”. We should show a lot of understanding to their feelings by trying to look at the world through their eyes.

As a passive listener we will only see the situation in a logical manner. But we should really employ empathetic listening and should try to see the situation through their eyes. We should try to understand why it that they are getting so upset is. Sometimes it may not be so obvious. We need a lot of insight and real understanding to understand the feelings of others

We should let all their emotions play out completely. Everybody is entitled to a fair amount of getting upset and feeling righteous. Sooner or later the emotions will play out completely.

Once the person has vented their emotions completely and are in better control of themselves we can gently tell our point of view to the person, The person will be more receptive in this state.

So besides playing along we also need to understand and feel their pain. If we do this we can solve their problem once they have calmed down.

Only if we learn to understand others can we really expect to be understood.

The Grand Design of Creation

If only we stop reflect on this world that we inhabit with all living and non-living things we are bound to experience a sense of wonder at the grand scheme of things. We are bound to come away with the sense of awe at the plethora of flora and fauna all co-existing in a large circle of life.

Clearly the design of the Creator must have been impeccable. According to physics the world started with one big bang. At this instant the whole of creation was one big primordial soup. In this instant - time, space, life and all living things were created. There must have been really a grand design in this living nucleus of creation which resulted in this multitude of flora and fauna. This seed from which emanated the universe with billions of heavenly bodies and the millions of species of every kind must have embodied within it a truly brilliant blueprint. The blueprint would have had within it the laws of physics of the stars, planets and satellites. For all the species of the world the design would have included in it the fact the all living things would be composed of a digestive systems, reproductive systems and sense organs.

However the conception for Man would have been the Creator’s real piece-de-resistance. The blueprint for Man, besides having the necessary make up of the sense organs, digestive and reproductive systems would have also included far more abstract and a grander design. Man was to be endowed with faculties of the mind, intellect and intuition. Man was also to experience a myriad of emotions from love, kindness, hatred, jealousy, envy, greed and so on. God laid down the laws of human interaction and the laws of cause and effect.

So in the moment of singularity when this primordial soup with the concentration of matter and condensed energy exploded at the instant of the big bang the universe with all the living beings was created. The blueprint of the Creator created all living and non-living things. The true masterpiece was Mankind.

This design of the Creator is truly magnificent and so here we are!!!