Friday, December 3, 2010

Little steps go a long way

To succeed in life one needs to work on life one little thing at a time. The key to success is to constantly do little things over a long period of time. We need to chip into our future little by little. The key is to do just a wee bit every now and then and to keep at it come rain or sunshine. When we have a constancy of purpose in trying to achieve our goals we are definitely bound to achieve them one day.
Upgrading one's skills: We cannot and should not hope to become experts overnight. If we want to be knowledgeable in any subject we need to make sure that we spend some hours of the day reading up articles and on the subject. If one is learning a musical instrument we need to practice it every day. In the beginning stages doing something regularly may seem a little distasteful. In fact we may feel irritated in doing the same thing over again. But with a little bit of attention to what we do we may find that we are getting better and are making real progress. Once the realization that we are improving dawns on us, we will be motivated to do this more often.

Attention to personal finance: We need to ever so often look at our net-worth. We need to make sure that we put a little saving for our and our family future. We should not indulge in undue extravagances. We need to take concrete steps and plan our investments so that we are provided for in times of personal calamity or in our old age. We have to consistently put away a little money for our future and our children. Little drops do definitely make the ocean.

A little networking: Every now and then send a mail or call up your old friends and colleagues. It is not just a way of sharing notes with each other you never know when you friends will pass on some information that will be crucial to your future. Make sure that you add new friends. Friends and colleague will not only make our lives fuller but will also come to our aid in times of trouble.

A little better: Make sure that you do routine things just a wee bit better. You could try out a new approach to old things and think of ways to excel in your regular activities like responses to emails. Make sure you spend more quality time with the family.

If we plan for things regularly, make sure that we are consistent in following them and just try to do just a little better than before we will soon become adept in the things that we do. We will also live a fuller life.

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