Which type are you? Are you left-brained, right-brained or
simply bird-brained (just kidding!)? Ok, I was kidding there. But if you are
either left or right brained you could face serious issues in life. As we know
our brain is made up of 2 hemispheres. The left hemisphere is a logical and
sequential processing machine. The right on the other hand is intuitive and can
take a more holistic view of things. A balanced approach to life will involve
both hemispheres.
But very often in life we come across people who are either
left or right brained. So let me give you an example of left-brained
Husband (upset and tired) returns from office: “I got into
an argument with my boss today”
Consider these 2 responses
Wife: “Why did you
not do your assignment given?”
As opposed to
Wife: “Its ok, relax. You can tell me later.”
Or consider this
Son (crying): “My head is aching, daddy”
Dad: “I told you not to play those computer games”
As opposed
Dad: “Go lie down.” And much later when the son feels better
tells him about not spending too much time on the computer.
In both the above cases the response is rational, logical
and correct. There is no emotional sympathy involved. This is case of left
brained activity which really does not help much and can be quite irritating.
Let us consider the alternate, right-brained only responses.
These people simply believe in something. They neither reason nor analyze their
thoughts. How many times you come across people saying “I just dislike him/her”
They never try to analyze what it is about the other person that they dislike. These
people simply guess things. They form opinions based on hunches and react
impulsively. This is right brained response and can be equally dangerous.
What is really required is that we assess the situation
objectively, listen to what our heart tells us and then analyze it logically. There
has to be nice balance between the left and right hemispheres. This way we will
have proper approach to life and the world.